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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Zimbabwe is about White Supremacy


BY John Iteshi




Racism, the worst kind of racism is the only reason for British media’s obsessions about Mugabe. Nothing in Zimbabwe equates to one tenth of what happens in each of the 36 states of Nigeria. What the opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, did by trying to instigate mass uprising, cannot be attempted successfully by anybody in Nigeria today. Just dreaming of it aloud will put you in jail in Nigeria let alone starting it. Before 2003 general elections key political opponents of the Federal government and various state governments were assassinated, but they made no real news to BBC and other western media. Just few months ago in Ebonyi State one of the poorest States, the governor locked up two journalists for over three months for publishing articles which accused the governor, Sam Egwu of corruption in a local newspaper. What a pity, this fact did not make any news to the democracy loving western media! Currently, oppositions at all levels are being openly suppressed and systematically excluded from contesting the next elections by the electoral body headed by a government stooge (in fact there are clear evidence that the head of the electoral body has forged certificate but he cannot be removed because he has a mission to install government candidates). The vice president of Nigeria is openly humiliated and denied his official privileges just for standing up against the plot by the president to extend his rule through the back door. One would have expected the democracy loving white world to stand up against the evil regime of Obasanjo, but nothing like that has happened.

The clear message being sent across Black Africa seems to be that all one needs to succeed as president of his country is to be a friend of the west even at the expense of his people just like Obasanjo and not transparency and good governance. The fact is now clearest that any Black African leader regarded as good by the west is definitely evil or incompetent. Example Obasanjo vis-à-vis General Abacha who was condemned in the west but has left indelible landmarks of great infrastructural development in Nigeria... For the benefit of those who are unaware of the facts. Abacha ruled Nigeria between November 1993 and June 1998 during which the oil market was not at all booming, but used the meagre resources wisely enough to rehabilitate roads, hospitals universities and other public amenities through the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF). Obasanjo’s democracy has ruled Nigeria since may 1999 witnessing unprecedented increase in revenue through the unprecedented oil boom and irresponsible disposals of the most lucrative public corporations in the name of privatisation, but has achieved virtually no definite success in any sector. Roads are basically left where Abacha left them in 1998 and I speak as an enlightened Nigerian who knows Nigeria. I visited Nigeria in 2005 October and travelled by coach round the country to see if there has been any changes. I travelled from Abuja to Abakaliki via Enugu; from Enugu to Onitsha - Benin - Ore - Lagos and from Lagos to Ibadan-Okene-Abuja and was shocked to see that we have wasted 8years of unprecedented economic boom. There are global drumming about economic reforms and progress in Nigeria, while the reality is that only white rogues collaborating with the government are the gainers. Destroying landline phones networks and public payphones in order to force every Nigerian to depend on GSM (which enriches mainly white South Africans) is what people call economic progress in Nigeria. The fact that western media and their governments have continued to praise a government as evil as Obasanjo’s despite clear evidences of everything they claim to stand against makes me confident that any government condemned by the west might not be all bad after all. Perhaps, Idi Amin might have not been as bad!
It seems to me that the only reason the white world is against Mugabe is because he expelled white farmers because genuine concern for the Black race would have meant that Nigeria being the largest Black society would be given greater focus. It is now clear to me that BBC and other British media are far worse than the British National Party (BNP) which is labelled racist. The BNP is not threatening the existence and survival of the Black race while British journalists are. I am most grateful for the hospitality of the British state for affording me the good life and respect that no Black country can afford its Black citizens. I do not shy away from the hard fact that the most racist white country would treat ordinary Black immigrants better than the best Black country would treat its own citizens. Therefore, I am grateful to Britain, but at the same time believe that my people must be enlightened about the true location of racism. The real racism is not about local people genuinely resenting to uncontrolled immigration of dubious people into their country. I put myself in the shoes of ordinary white British people who have no other country to run to! What I call racism at its worst is the one-sided stand of the "white world" on Zimbabwe.

It is accepted that the takeover of white farms could have been more diplomatically done, but it cannot justify the current scale of global condemnation of Mugabe. What the white supremacists pretending to be messiahs are insinuating is that Zimbabwe cannot survive without white farmers who clearly were not even farming to feed Zimbabweans in the first place. What is being propagated around the world is that no Black country can survive on its own even though, I know that there had been no evidence of starvation since the controversial take over of farms. What needs to be done by enlightened and decolonised Black people is to rally round and use the Zimbabwean case as an inspiration for building successful societies. Zimbabwe is by far more democratic and successful than most other Black African countries like Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, DRC etc., but today it bears the ignoble reputation of being one of the worst places to live in. Even though nobody can prove that the best of the 36 state governors of Nigeria is not worst than 10 Mugabes as I have severally challenged the BBC to do, we are still being fed with lies about Mugabe. It is therefore very clear that Mugabe would have remained a friend of the west if he had not expelled white farmers. Hence, it is purely and squarely about race!
John Iteshi


Tony said...

As always John Iteshi refers to 'white racism' being the reason for people demanding action over Zimbabwe. Comparing Nigeria with Zimbabwe is like comparing apples with bottle tops.

No one disputes that corruption in Nigeria is endemic and damaging. I know because I have been there and seen and experienced it at first hand. However only a shallow person could deny the atrocities taking place in Zimbabwe. Food is used as a weapon, people are beaten and killed for opposing the Mugabe government and the nation has been ruined to such an extent it cannot provide enough food for itself let alone its former export market.

Iteshi is guilty of terrible moral relativism as well as racism. I make no apology for putting more emphasis on preserving human life and ending injustice in Zimbabwe - where people are at risk of starvation and are having their homes bulldozed to drive them out of certain areas - than corruption in Nigeria which is far less urgent in comparison.

The argument that it is racist for people to prioritise their attention supposedly because of white farmers, is wrong and a deception. DO not forget Britain was giving Zimbabwe the money to pay the farmers to vacate the land they farmed. The farmers are not the issue. The issue is the immediate threat to the lives of black Africans who do not support Mugabe.

I wish Iteshi would stop his deceptions by suggesting otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Nigeria‘s Primitive Elections: Where Are The Western Democracy Defenders?
The New York Times editorial, "Nigeria's Imperiled Elections" published on 11th April 2007 clearly highlighted the open secret that most western media and their governments only moan about democracy when it suits their selfish interests. The newspaper concluded in the following words, "...Washington and London have been far too tolerant of Mr. Obasanjo’s political machinations. Their silence does Nigeria no favors, and it certainly does not comport with the two countries’ own claims to be democracy’s defenders". This conclusion clearly supports my article, "Zimbabwe is About White Supremacy" which many misguided Zimbabweans and white supremacists criticised. Interestingly, in further display of western media dubiousness, the most primitive and corrupt elections in Nigeria's history (Saturday, 21 April would even be worst) took place on Saturday 14th April, 2007 (elections for the 36 State governors and Houses of Assembly Members)amidst widespread violence which left over 50 people dead across the country yet, it is not making any serious news in either BBC or CNN. The world is also watching the so-called international observers for their verdict on the ill-fated elections. It should be surprising that western media have maintained sketchy news about what happened in Nigeria on Saturday even though they have their reporters on the ground. What one is arguing is not that comments are not being made concerning the violent and fraudulent elections by western media, but the softly, softly tones reminiscent of the usual western accusations against President Mbeki on Zimbabwe is the disturbing issue here. While the BBC maintains regular information about events, it fails to draw clear cut conclusions where it maters most such as clearly spelling out who is destroying his country just as they would have easily done on Zimbabwe, the CNN appears not to be all that interested.

For those who believe the western world is moaning about Zimbabwe because they mean well for the Black race, the BBC and other western media have free access to all parts of Nigeria(unlike Zimbabwe where Mugabe has rightly forbidden them) and are supposed to have received or seen things themselves, but have clearly refrained from reporting the events as they could have done if it was Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans reading this must ask themselves if Mugabe has gotten so desperate to the extent of openly using the Police, Army and the national electoral commission to frustrate his enemies from standing elections or even voting? In Nigeria, the world has watched a so-called democratic president well respected by London and Washington as an ally, use state power to deny his enemies from exercising their rights to vote and be voted for. For the avoidance of doubt Saturday’s elections in Nigeria were so bad that apart from the killings and abductions that characterised it, prominent statesmen, like Odumegwu Ojukwu and the Senate President, Ken Nnamani including the celebrated chairman of NAFDAC (an agency regulating foods and pharmaceutical products in Nigeria), Prof. Akunyili were unable to cast their votes. Even from the run up to the elections, it was obvious there was not going to be any free and fair elections as the government openly displayed its desperation in ensuring that only those President Obasanjo wants to be “deemed elected” (as nobody ever really gets elected in Nigeria in any case) must emerge irrespective of what the people think.

Just two days to the elections, the so-called democratic president of Nigeria had to declare public holidays just for the sole purpose of preventing the supreme court from seating and hearing a case of his estranged vice president. BBC and other western media pretend they could not see foul play in this! If one may ask, has Zimbabwe which occupies most western news about Africa, gotten as bad as the electoral body disqualifying strong opponents of the ruling party to allow a smooth sailing fraudulent victory for the government candidates? Has Zimbabwe experienced anything like disqualifying opposition candidates on the eve of their elections just to frustrate them?. In Anambra State of Nigeria where the President's right hand man is standing elections for governorship, the so-called Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC) systematically disqualified all serious opponents of the ruling People Democratic Party (PDP) and has even brazenly refused to obey two court orders to field a candidate dubiously disqualified. Also in both Adamawa and Kogi States, the so-called independent electoral body announced the disqualification of he candidates on the eve of the elections because they have strong chances of victory against he ruling party and the president would feel personally insulted if his party loses in those states.

Perhaps, the most shocking event has been the blunt refusal to accept the ruling of the Supreme court on the reinstatement of the PDP candidate for Imo State who was edged out despite winning the nomination, for not being a president's man. This is particularly disturbing because it shows that even within his own party that it must be his personal friends and loyalists that occupy positions or nothing else. The so-called democratic President of Nigeria rather than obey the Supreme court order announced the automatic expulsion of the candidate for Imo State from the PDP. How can the democracy defenders of this world claim that a President that has never obeyed any unfavourable court order (even that of the supreme court) is democratic? How can the BBC and other Western Media claim they are not racist about Zimbabwe when they have refused to see evils in Nigeria simply because western interests are protected by the satanic government of Obasanjo.

For those who may not understand the standpoint of this writer on the bias of western media, one is not merely interested in western media changing their ways, but more concerned about Black (Negro) people organising themselves and sorting themselves out. Understanding that the BBC and other western media are biased and clearly entitled to be so is necessary for us to appreciate the need for self determination. We need to stop dancing for the attention of west in our internal affairs as they have vested interests. It does not require us to hate white people at all, but simply a matter of self awareness. Enlightened Black people must organise themselves and essentially establish our own BBC or CNN just as the Arabs and other Asians have done. One believes that Black people should either assert their independences or surrender to full-blown colonialism as we are worse of being neither here or there. The present situation where our own media and educated people rely on people in London and Washington to tell us whether we are right or wrong has not helped us at all. Enlightened Black people need to organise themselves irrespective of country or continent, at the highest level towards forging a way forward for the entire Black race. We must use the example of the western obsession about Zimbabwe (while ignoring far worse situations elsewhere) to understand that only us can sort ourselves out of our internal problems and not a non-existent international community or some dubious messiahs from the west.

John Iteshi
London, 16th April 2007